
Field trip to Kyrgyzstan

Expedition to Uzbekistan

In October Assoc. Prof. Kenji Tanaka have lead the group to visit Uzbekistan. The team joined international group of researchers from USA and Uzbekistan lead by ICBA to investigate status of the marginal lands in lower reaches of the Amu Darya River. To have better understanding of the region we installed meteo station and several soil moister and groundwater measurement sensors.

Through collaboration with the Institute of Rice Studies in the Karakalpakistan Republic we were able to teach young scientist how to use data from meteo station for their research. We hope installed equipment will increase young generation involvement in scientific activity as well as provide researchers with helpful data.
Field trip was supported by DPRI’s special funding. We are gratefully thankful to the director of DPRI Prof. Kaoru Takara for support of these research.

浅野 倫矢 優秀修士論文賞


浅野 倫矢

  • 京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学専攻 優秀修士論文賞
  • 対象
  • 大規模水体および氾濫を考慮した陸域水循環モデルの開発ー白ナイル流域の水資源量評価ー