Educational policy and admission

Regional Water Environment System Laboratory belongs to the Department of Urban Management of the Kyoto University. If you wish to apply to study in our lab, please have a look to Department’s web-site.


Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University



Students will gain a common understanding of urban problems through the core subjects, and select one out of the three specialized subject groups.

This curriculum aims to foster a clear awareness of career paths amongst students by cultivating a common base of knowledge regarding the problems currently faced by cities and the measures required to address these, through the study of core subjects. On this basis, the curriculum aims to equip students with advanced specialist expertise through studying specialized subjects in specific fields. more


Educational Policy

A distinguishing characteristic of the department’s curriculum is a special course it has set up that features a series of related subjects. As an additional incentive to students, the department presents certificates to students who complete the course.
The department runs the course not only for students in the department but also for professional engineers to enable them to receive refresher training. At the same time, we expect the course to be the first step in setting up a graduate school for professionals (professional school) to provide advanced training in specialized technical fields.
For this, we plan to enhance our online education subjects so that the course can be taken in remote areas. more


Entrance Examination for the Graduate School in the Kyoto University